
Many hands make light work!

Volunteer Sign Up

Come out and volunteer and you might see your student on campus.  This is a great opportunity to meet staff, build relationships and learn along the way!  Not sure what fits?  Let us know when you are available and we will let you know when it's a match.

Get ahead by registering in KISD's Raptor Volunteer system here: Partners in Education / Volunteer Registration & Hours 

Men On Campus

Sign up to join Men on Campus (formerly Watch D.O.G.S.).

HJH students can always benefit from the presence of positive male role models on campus.  Dads, and grandfathers, sign up for a flexible morning or afternoon shift on a day that fits your schedule.

Questions? Contact menoncampus@haskettjhpta.com.

How can you help?

Do you have mad balloon skills? Do you love to love on teachers? There's lots of ways to help at Haskett! Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form so we can reach out with specific opportunities.